Khartoum is a 1966 historical drama film directed by Basil Dearden and Eliot Elisofon. The film stars Charlton Heston as General Gordon and Laurence Olivier as the Muslim leader Muhammad Ahmad, also known as the Mahdi. The film is set in the late 19th century and tells the story of General Gordon's mission to rescue the Egyptians from Sudan and his eventual siege in Khartoum.

In the film, Gordon arrives in Khartoum and finds a city that is divided between Muslims and Christians. He quickly realizes that the city is under threat from the Mahdi and his followers, who are determined to conquer and convert Khartoum to Islam. Despite the danger, Gordon decides to stay and defend the city, even though he has been ordered to evacuate.

Gordon's stubbornness and refusal to leave result in a clash of wills between him and the British government, who feel that he is risking his life unnecessarily. The situation is complicated even further by the fact that Gordon becomes besieged in Khartoum, surrounded by the Mahdi's army and with little hope of reinforcements or supplies.

Throughout the film, we see the characters struggle with the complexities of religion, politics, and imperialism. Gordon, a devout Christian, believes that he is on a mission from God to save the people of Khartoum, while the Mahdi sees himself as the savior of Islam and is willing to die for his cause. The British government, meanwhile, is more concerned with maintaining their political and economic interests in Egypt and Sudan.

The film culminates in a brutal and tragic siege of Khartoum, with the British unable to save Gordon and his men from certain death. The final scene shows the aftermath of the siege, with the Mahdi triumphant and Gordon's body lying in the ruins of the city.

Overall, Khartoum is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the human cost of colonialism and religious conflict. Its stunning cinematography, epic battle scenes, and stellar performances from Heston and Olivier make it a classic of the historical epic genre.

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