The movie Key Lime Voodoo takes place in the picturesque and exotic setting of the Florida Keys. The story revolves around Detective Lax, a seasoned investigator who finds himself in unfamiliar territory when he decides to investigate the disappearance of his girlfriend. As he delves deeper into the case, he begins to uncover a web of intrigue and deception linked to the dark and mystical world of voodoo.

Lax soon realizes that the local voodoo priestess, Mama Marie, holds the key to unlocking the mystery of his girlfriend's disappearance. However, Mama Marie is a formidable opponent, and her powers and influence over the community make her a dangerous adversary. Lax must also contend with other supernatural spirits and forces that hinder his investigation at every turn.

As he navigates this unfamiliar terrain, Lax learns about the intricacies of voodoo rituals and the power they hold. He grapples with his own skepticism and disbelief as he sees the effects of the rituals firsthand. With the help of a young and fiery local journalist, Lax begins to unravel the secrets of the voodoo world and discovers that his girlfriend's disappearance is linked to a dark and sinister plot.

With time running out and the stakes high, Lax must overcome his own limitations and summon all his courage and wit to outsmart the voodoo priestess and her followers. Key Lime Voodoo is a thrilling and captivating movie that showcases the exotic and mystifying world of voodoo while keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

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