The movie Keith is a teen drama film directed by Todd Kessler. The story is set in a high school where Natalie is the popular girl and the most sought after young lady. When a new guy, Keith, arrives at school, Natalie is intrigued by him but Keith ignores her completely.

Despite Keith's initial aloofness, Natalie and Keith slowly become friends and start to fall for each other. Keith, who is a loner and a rebel, introduces Natalie to different experiences, showing her how to live her life to the fullest. Natalie begins to realize that there is much more to Keith than meets the eye.

As their relationship blossoms, Natalie becomes suspicious of Keith's secretive behavior. She discovers that Keith has a tragic past and is terminally ill. Unable to cope with the thought of losing him, Natalie decides to make the most of their time together.

The story is a coming-of-age tale that explores the themes of love, friendship, and the fragility of life. The standout performances from Elisabeth Harnois and Jesse McCartney add depth and authenticity to the characters' emotions, making the movie a heartwarming and emotional journey.

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