Kate & Leopold is a romantic comedy film released in 2001, directed by James Mangold and starring Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman. The movie tells the story of a handsome 19th-century nobleman named Leopold, who is accidentally transported to modern-day New York City via a time portal created by Kate's ex-boyfriend Stuart. Kate is a market researcher and a single woman who has lost her faith in love after many disappointments in her life.

At first, Kate is skeptical about Leopold's claims of time travel, but after spending some time with him, she begins to believe him and shows him around New York City. Leopold, being a gentleman from the 19th century, is amazed by the modern world and quickly adapts to it. Meanwhile, Kate begins to fall in love with him as he helps her see the world in a different light and appreciate the beauty of life.

As Kate and Leopold spend more time together, they become closer, and Kate must decide whether to keep him in the present-day or send him back to his own timeline, where he belongs. Stuart, who has developed feelings for Kate, tries to sabotage their relationship and convince her to send Leopold back.

Kate & Leopold is a charming and heartwarming movie that explores themes of love, time travel, and the importance of appreciating life's small moments. The chemistry between Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman is palpable, and their performances bring a delightful and humorous touch to the film. The movie is a blend of romantic comedy, time travel, and period piece, making it a unique and enjoyable viewing experience.

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