Karen is a thriller film directed by Coke Daniels and was released in 2021. The movie follows the story of a white supremacist woman named Karen Drexler, who just moved in next door to a black family, Malcolm and Imani. From the moment they meet, Karen begins to harass the couple, making their lives a living hell with her racist comments and actions.

As Karen's behavior becomes more and more erratic, Malcolm and Imani try to document her misdeeds and report her to the authorities. However, Karen uses her position as a wealthy, respected member of the community to turn the tables on the couple. She accuses them of criminal activities, hoping to have them arrested and evicted from their home.

As the tension between Karen and her neighbors escalates, it becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to get rid of them. The story takes a dramatic turn when Karen's true nature is revealed, and she is forced to confront the consequences of her racist behavior.

Karen is a chilling portrayal of how racism and intolerance can lead to destructive behavior. The movie highlights the experiences of black Americans who face discrimination and harassment in their day-to-day lives and the need for change in society.

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