Kabluey is a heartwarming comedy-drama film that follows the story of Leslie, a struggling mother who is left to take care of her two young boys while her husband is on duty in Iraq. When her financial situation worsens, Leslie reluctantly agrees to allow her deadbeat brother-in-law, Salman, to move in and help out with the kids.

Salman, who is initially portrayed as an irresponsible and immature character, struggles to adapt to his new role as a caregiver and often falls short of Leslie's expectations. However, when Leslie's job is in jeopardy, Salman steps up and takes on a new job as a mascot for a struggling tech company named "Kabluey."

As Kabluey, Salman dons a silly blue costume and attends corporate events and parties, promoting the company's products. The job is humiliating and mind-numbingly boring, but Salman persists in his efforts to provide for Leslie and the boys. Along the way, he learns important lessons about responsibility, family, and selflessness.

Kabluey is a touching and entertaining film that combines humor with poignant moments to great effect. The performances of the cast, including stars Lisa Kudrow, Scott Prendergast, and Teri Garr, make for a compelling and enjoyable viewing experience. The film's themes of sacrifice, perseverance, and the importance of family are universal and relatable, making it a must-watch for anyone who appreciates a good comedy-drama.

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