Jug Face is a horror film directed by Chad Crawford Kinkle and released in 2013. The story is set in a backwoods community that is governed by a mysterious creature living in a pit. The creature demands human sacrifices, and the villagers obey its will. The sacrifices are chosen by Dawai, a skilled potter who receives visions of the chosen ones from the pit.

The protagonist of the film is Ada, a young woman who is in love with a boy named Bodey, who is also her stepbrother. Ada has become pregnant with Bodey's child, which is forbidden in their isolated community. When Ada sees her own face on a jug crafted by Dawai, she realizes that she has been chosen as the next sacrifice. She hides the jug in the woods and tries to find a way to escape her fate without endangering her loved ones.

However, Ada's defiance triggers a series of events that lead to the pit creature's wrath. People start dying in mysterious ways, and the villagers blame Ada for the curse. Ada's mother, Loriss, is revealed to have hidden a similar jug many years ago when she was pregnant with Ada. Loriss survived her sacrificial ordeal by cutting off her own arm and feeding it to the creature, but she has been haunted by the pit's vengeance ever since.

As the tension rises, Ada must confront her destiny and decide whether to sacrifice herself for her community or flee with Bodey and her unborn child. The film explores themes of family, tradition, sacrifice, and the consequences of defying fate. Jug Face has received acclaim for its unique blend of folk horror, psychological drama, and supernatural tension, as well as its strong performances and atmospheric cinematography.

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