Johnny Stool Pigeon is a crime thriller released in 1949. The movie centers around the story of an undercover federal agent named Johnny Evans, who infiltrates a crime syndicate in order to bust a heroin ring that has been operating in the city. Johnny is played by actor Dan Duryea.

As Johnny infiltrates the mob, he befriends a former criminal named Gus, played by actor Howard da Silva. Gus is the key to Johnny's infiltration, as Gus is the right-hand man of the mob boss, Frank Kane. Kane is played by actor Barry Kelley.

Johnny's mission is to gather enough evidence to bring down the heroin ring and put Kane behind bars. As Johnny works his way up the ranks of the syndicate, he discovers that things are not as they seem. His loyalty is tested, and he is forced to make difficult choices in order to protect himself and his mission.

The film is suspenseful and action-packed, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. It also features strong performances from the cast, particularly Duryea as the stoic federal agent and da Silva as the conflicted criminal who becomes Johnny's ally.

Overall, Johnny Stool Pigeon is a classic crime film that weaves a thrilling tale of betrayal, redemption, and justice.

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