The film follows John as he grapples with a sense of boredom and detachment from his seemingly perfect life. He spends his days leisurely swimming in the pool and playing video games, while his parents shower him with gifts and his sister dismisses him as an annoying younger brother.

One day, John stumbles upon the unfinished bunker while exploring the nearby woods, and becomes fixated on the idea of trapping his family inside. He drugs them with a sedative-laced smoothie and leads them down into the bunker, where he leaves them with minimal provisions and no clear plan for their release.

As John begins to explore his newfound freedom at home, his family members slowly come to terms with their confinement and attempt to find a way out. Meanwhile, John's true motivations and mental state come into question, as the true extent of his cruelty and detachment are revealed.

The film is a slow-burning psychological thriller, with a subdued and dreamlike tone that enhances the sense of disconnection and unease. The performances from the young cast are understated and effective, particularly Charlie Shotwell as John, who imbues his character with a haunting stillness that makes his actions all the more disturbing.

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