Joe Dirt is a 2001 American comedy film directed by Dennie Gordon and starring David Spade in the lead role. The story revolves around Joe Dirt, a blue-collar, working-class man who has had a tough life since he was abandoned by his parents at a young age. He was raised in a trailer park and clings to his mullet hairdo as his one distinguishing feature.

Despite his unassuming appearance, Joe is the eternal optimist, convinced that he will one day find his parents. He goes on a cross-country road trip, meeting several offbeat characters along the way, including Dennis Miller as a radio shock jock, Kid Rock as a rival janitor, and Christopher Walken as a mobster who takes Joe under his wing.

When he finally reaches the Grand Canyon, Joe is heartbroken to discover that his parents are not there. However, he meets a woman named Brandy who helps him reconnect with his roots and the trailer park community, which ultimately brings him the sense of belonging and family that he has been seeking all his life.

Joe Dirt was a box office success, grossing over $31 million and receiving mixed reviews from critics. The film has since gained a cult following, thanks to its eccentric characters, wacky humor, and David Spade's charismatic performance as the titular character. It also spawned a sequel, Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser, which was released as a direct-to-video film in 2015.

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