
Jimmy is a heartwarming story about a 13-year-old boy with mental challenges who faces a difficult life in his small town. Jimmy lives with his mother, who works endlessly to provide for their family, and his little sister. The town people have always misunderstood Jimmy, and his mother is fiercely protective of him, fearful for his safety.

However, Jimmy has an extraordinary talent. He sees beings he calls "Watchers," supernatural friends only he can see. These beings make life more manageable for him and help him deal with his challenges.

When Jimmy's mother dies unexpectedly, he must face life without her and learns to rely on the Watchers even more. His mother's death brings a new level of scrutiny from the town people, who are now more afraid and suspicious of Jimmy and his Watchers.

Jimmy's only friends are his little sister and a girl named Sara, who starts to understand his unique gift. They help him face the prejudices and stand up to those who would bully him.

In the end, Jimmy's strength and courage lead him to overcome his challenges and prove that his Watchers are real, and they have always been there watching over him. The story touches on themes of acceptance, compassion, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity.

The movie is directed by Mark Freiburger and stars Ted Levine, Kelly Carlson, and Bob Gunton, and began filming in 2006.

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