In the movie "Jimmy Hollywood," Jimmy Alto takes on the persona of a vigilante called "Jericho" to fight crime in his neighborhood of Hollywood. Armed with a fake gun and a costume, Jimmy and William set out to make a difference in their community, targeting petty criminals and causing chaos for the local police.

As Jericho gains notoriety in the media, Jimmy becomes increasingly consumed by his alter ego and the attention it brings. Lorraine, his girlfriend, becomes frustrated with Jimmy's obsession with being a vigilante and the strain it puts on their relationship.

Despite his newfound fame as Jericho, Jimmy and William soon find themselves in over their heads when they accidentally kill a drug dealer during a confrontation. The stakes are raised as they become targets of the criminal underworld, and Jimmy must confront the consequences of his actions as Jericho.

As the authorities close in on Jericho, Jimmy is forced to confront the reality of his heroics and the impact they have had on his life and the lives of those around him. In the end, Jimmy must decide whether to continue his vigilante crusade or return to his life as a struggling actor.

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