JFK is a 1991 American political thriller film directed by Oliver Stone, starring Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, and Gary Oldman. The movie is a fictionalized account of the investigation led by Jim Garrison (played by Costner) into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

The movie portrays Garrison as a dedicated and principled prosecutor who becomes convinced that the government's official explanation of Kennedy's death is a cover-up. Garrison conducts his own investigation with a small team of trusted colleagues, poring over evidence and interviewing witnesses in New Orleans and other locations.

Through a series of flashbacks and interviews with witnesses, the movie presents a theory that a complex web of interests was behind Kennedy's assassination, involving elements of the CIA, organized crime, and anti-Castro Cuban exiles. The movie suggests that Kennedy's push for rapprochement with Cuba and perceived lack of support for covert operations against Fidel Castro made him a target for those who sought to maintain the status quo.

JFK was praised for its performances, direction, and cinematography, but also stirred controversy for its portrayal of Garrison's investigation and its conclusions. Many historians and critics have argued that the movie takes significant liberties with the facts and that its theory of a conspiracy lacks solid evidence. Nonetheless, the movie remains a popular and influential work of cinematic fiction that has helped to shape public perceptions of the Kennedy assassination.

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