Jesus Camp is a documentary film directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady. The film is set in a charismatic Pentecostal summer camp, Kids on Fire School of Ministry, which is located in North Dakota. The camp is led by Becky Fischer, a charismatic preacher and children's pastor.

The film provides an inside look into the lives of the children attending the camp, who are taught to be soldiers in God's army. They are encouraged to speak in tongues, pray for the sick, and learn to use other spiritual gifts. The children are also taught to be politically engaged and are encouraged to participate in protests and rallies.

The film follows three children in particular. Levi, a 12-year-old boy who aspires to be a pastor when he grows up. Rachael, a 9-year-old girl who is passionate about her faith and dreams of becoming a missionary. And Victoria, an intelligent and outspoken 10-year-old who struggles with speaking in tongues.

Throughout the film, the children are shown being pushed to their emotional limits and encouraged to dedicate their lives to Christianity. They are taught that they can be effective advocates for their faith, and that it is their responsibility to take back America for Christ.

The film has been praised for its intimate portrayal of the children and their families, as well as for shining a light on the growing influence of evangelical Christianity in American politics. However, it has also been criticized for its portrayal of the children and the camp, which some have described as manipulative and potentially harmful.

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