Java Heat is an action-thriller movie released in 2013. The story revolves around an American named Jake Travers, portrayed by Kellan Lutz, who is studying in Indonesia. When a bombing takes place in a local marketplace, Jake gets caught in the chaos and is accused of being involved in the terrorist attacks.

The local police force, headed by a Muslim cop named Hashim (played by Ario Bayu), arrests Jake and brings him in for questioning. However, Jake is innocent and he uses his knowledge of the country and culture to convince Hashim to believe him. Together, they form an unlikely alliance and set out to find the real culprits behind the attacks.

As they investigate, they uncover a network of corrupt politicians and businessmen who are working with a dangerous terrorist group. With time running out, the two men must work together to stop a series of attacks that could devastate the country.

The movie is full of high-octane action sequences, intense drama, and political intrigue. It explores the themes of cultural differences, religious tolerance, and the importance of cooperation and communication between different communities. With its stunning locations, gripping plot, and talented cast, Java Heat is a thrilling and thought-provoking movie that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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