The film follows James Burns, a troubled teenager from a broken home who becomes involved with a local gang in his suburban neighborhood. His life spirals out of control when he starts to sell drugs and gets into frequent fights with rival gangs. After a run-in with the law, James is sent to a juvenile detention center where he meets a counselor who becomes a positive influence in his life.

However, upon his release from juvie, James finds himself back in trouble and is eventually arrested for burglary and sentenced to serve time in a maximum-security prison. It is here that he meets Conrad, a convicted murderer with a reputation as one of the most dangerous inmates in the prison. Despite their initial differences, the two begin to bond over their shared struggles and the unlikely friendship transforms both of their lives.

Together, James and Conrad navigate the dangerous and violent prison environment while James tries to reconnect with his estranged mother and younger brother who he left behind in the outside world. Through his friendship with Conrad, James learns the value of self-reflection and personal growth, and ultimately finds redemption as he works towards a better future for himself and his family.

The movie Jamesy Boy is a thought-provoking and emotional tale of one young man's journey through the criminal justice system and his path towards self-discovery and redemption. The film stars Spencer Lofranco as James Burns, Ving Rhames as Conrad, and Mary-Louise Parker as James' mother.

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