James Dean is a 2001 biographical drama film directed by Mark Rydell and written by Israel Horovitz, based on the biography written by James Dean's friend and writer, William Bast. The film tells the story of the famous Hollywood actor who, despite his short-lived career of only three years, became a cultural icon and a symbol of teenage rebellion and angst in the 1950s.

The movie stars James Franco in the titular role of James Dean, who delivers a stunning performance that captures the essence of the actor's life and personality. The film takes a non-linear approach, jumping back and forth in time, to showcase different stages of Dean's life, from his childhood in Indiana to his rise to fame in New York and Hollywood.

Throughout the film, we see Dean struggling to find his place in the world, dealing with his troubled relationship with his father, his love for acting, and his tumultuous personal life, including his relationships with women and his struggle with his sexuality. The film also shows the behind-the-scenes workings of Hollywood in the 1950s, highlighting the studio system and the social and political climate of the era.

The supporting cast includes Michael Moriarty as James Dean's father, Julie Harris as his acting mentor, and Valentina Cervi as Pier Angeli, the love of his life. The film features a fantastic soundtrack, including classic songs from the 1950s, which perfectly capture the mood and atmosphere of the era.

Overall, James Dean is a captivating and emotional film that pays tribute to the life and legacy of one of the most significant figures in Hollywood history. It's a must-watch for fans of James Dean and anyone interested in the golden age of Hollywood.

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