Jade's Asylum is a psychological horror film that follows the story of Jade Williams, a young woman suffering from a rare psychiatric disorder that causes delusional jealousy. Jade attends a housewarming party in a mansion built on sacred ground, despite the warnings of the locals.

During the party, Jade begins to experience terrifying hallucinations that make her believe that her boyfriend, Damien, is cheating on her with another guest, Selena. However, when Damien attempts to calm her down, he suddenly becomes possessed by an evil spirit that turns him into a violent and murderous monster.

As the night progresses, Jade finds herself trapped in the mansion with the possessed Damien, Selena, and a group of other guests who all have their own hidden agendas. The lines between reality and hallucination blur together as Jade battles to survive against the demonic forces that threaten her life and sanity.

Jade's Asylum is a gripping psychological horror film that explores themes of mental illness, jealousy, and spirituality. The movie features outstanding performances from its cast, particularly Morgan Kohan as Jade Williams, who delivers a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of a woman struggling with an uncommon illness. The film's haunting score and eerie atmosphere add to the sense of dread and unease that permeates throughout the story, making it an unforgettable viewing experience for fans of the horror genre.

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