As Jacob continues to work for Laban to earn the right to marry Rachel, he also becomes involved in a complicated family drama. Laban's older daughter Leah (Julia Ormond) is also in love with Jacob, but Laban tricks Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel. Jacob is furious at Laban's deceit, but he eventually agrees to work another seven years to marry Rachel as well.

Throughout his time with Laban's family, Jacob faces numerous challenges and tests of his faith. He witnesses the jealousy and rivalry between his wives Leah and Rachel, who compete for his affection and strive to bear him children. Jacob also experiences conflicts with Laban over wages and property rights.

Despite the hardships and betrayals he faces, Jacob remains steadfast in his devotion to God and his determination to build a prosperous future for his family. Through his trials and triumphs, Jacob learns important lessons about love, forgiveness, and the power of faith.

The story of Jacob is a timeless tale of love, loyalty, and perseverance that continues to inspire audiences with its themes of family, faith, and redemption.

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