As the plot of "Jackpot!" unfolds, Katie Kim, an ordinary and unassuming woman, finds herself unexpectedly in possession of the winning ticket of the highly sought-after "Grand Lottery." However, she soon learns about the twisted catch: in order to legally claim the multi-billion dollar jackpot, the winner must be killed before sundown.

Panicked and desperate, Katie realizes she has become a target for individuals determined to claim her prize by any means necessary. In her quest to survive, she crosses paths with Noel Cassidy, a self-proclaimed amateur lottery protection agent who sees an opportunity to capitalize on Katie's predicament. Offering his assistance, Noel strikes a deal with Katie: he will help her reach sundown alive in exchange for a portion of her immense fortune.

Reluctantly partnering up with Noel, Katie must navigate a treacherous landscape fraught with danger and betrayal. The duo faces numerous challenges and encounters a wide array of characters who are willing to go to extreme lengths to eliminate Katie and seize her jackpot.

Throughout their perilous journey, a bond forms between Katie and Noel as they learn to trust and rely on each other. As they continue to evade those hunting them, they also dig deeper into the dark origins and motives behind the "Grand Lottery" itself.

Unbeknownst to Katie and Noel, they slowly uncover a sinister conspiracy surrounding the lottery, involving powerful individuals who control its operations. With the clock ticking and their lives on the line, they become embroiled in a high-stakes race against time to expose the truth and bring justice to those responsible.

As the day progresses, Katie and Noel face escalating threats, increasingly desperate adversaries, and unexpected twists. Their survival becomes not just about eluding death but also about unmasking the secrets of the "Grand Lottery" and finding a way to ensure that no one else falls victim to its deadly game.

Ultimately, "Jackpot!" is an exhilarating and suspenseful rollercoaster ride, blending elements of action, suspense, and conspiracy. The film explores themes of greed, morality, and the lengths people will go to when faced with unimaginable wealth.

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