As Jack and Diane spend more time together, their feelings for each other deepen and they form a strong emotional connection. Despite their growing bond, Jack continues to push Diane away out of fear of getting hurt. Diane, on the other hand, is torn between her desire to be with Jack and the knowledge that she is not like other girls.

As Diane's visions become more frequent and intense, she confides in Jack about her werewolf-like abilities. At first, Jack is skeptical and frightened by Diane's revelation, but eventually, he accepts her for who she is and they continue to explore their relationship.

However, Diane's secret becomes harder to keep as her transformation becomes more frequent and uncontrollable. The strain of hiding her true self takes a toll on their relationship, leading to misunderstandings and arguments between the two girls.

Despite their challenges, Jack and Diane's love for each other ultimately prevails. They come to accept each other fully, werewolf abilities and all, and vow to face whatever challenges come their way together. The movie ends with the two girls embracing their unique connection and embarking on a new chapter in their lives.

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