"I've Heard the Mermaids Singing" is a 1987 Canadian film directed by Patricia Rozema. The protagonist, Polly Vandersma (played by Sheila McCarthy), is a young woman who dreams of being an artist but instead works odd jobs as a temporary assistant to make ends meet. When she is hired as a permanent employee at the prestigious Durand Art Gallery, Polly is excited to be surrounded by art all day but unsure whether she fits in amongst the snobbish art world elite.

Polly becomes obsessed with a world-renowned photographer named Gabrielle who is holding an exhibit at the gallery. Polly begins to fall in love with Gabrielle (played by Paule Baillargeon), and she starts following Gabrielle around, trying to understand her creative process.

As Polly explores the art world and Gabrielle's work, she faces challenges with her own creativity and the constraints of the gallery structure. Meanwhile, she begins a tender romance with a clerical assistant, Mary (Ann-Marie MacDonald), who is kind and supportive of Polly's artistic pursuits.

The film is a quirky and whimsical look at the world of art and the creative process. Sheila McCarthy's performance as Polly is charming and relatable, and the film's themes of self-discovery and finding one's place in the world are touching and poignant.

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