Italian Studies is a drama film that follows a mysterious woman named Alina (Vanessa Kirby) as she wanders the streets of Manhattan in a confused state. Alina is a British writer who has lost all memory of who she is and why she is in New York City. She spends her days observing and writing about the people she encounters in the city, including a group of teenage boys who catch her eye.

One day, Alina follows the group of boys and joins them on their adventures through the city. She spends the night with them, discovering the hidden corners of New York and bonding with the boys over their shared sense of adventure and belonging. As Alina delves deeper into the unknown, she slowly begins to rediscover parts of herself and her past.

Throughout the film, Alina's journey is narrated through her own writing, which is read by Michael Imperioli. Italian Studies explores themes of identity, memory, and the human connection. It also features a beautiful soundtrack by Dustin O'Halloran that perfectly captures the dreamy and melancholic mood of the film.

Italian Studies is directed by Adam Leon and also stars Simon Brickner, Annika Haskamp, and Maya Hawke. It premiered at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival and was released in select theaters and on demand on June 18, 2021.

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