In the movie Irresistible, Gary Zimmer (played by Steve Carell), a Democratic political consultant, sees a viral video of a retired Marine colonel named Jack Hastings (played by Chris Cooper) standing up for immigrant workers at a town council meeting in Deerlaken, Wisconsin. Gary sees potential in Jack and decides to convince him to run for the position of mayor in the town's upcoming election.

Gary travels to Deerlaken and sets up a campaign team, which includes his assistant Kurt (played by Topher Grace) and a local farmer named Faith (played by Natasha Lyonne). As they start campaigning, they realize that the town is fiercely conservative and that it will be an uphill battle for Jack to win.

The Republican National Committee sends its top strategist, Faith Brewster (played by Rose Byrne), to help the incumbent mayor's campaign. Gary and Faith engage in a heated political battle, with both sides using all means possible to win over voters.

The movie explores the influence of money in politics and the role of media in shaping public perception. It also touches upon themes of rural conservatism, the urban-rural political divide, and the disconnect between politicians and everyday people.

As the election day approaches, the tension between the two campaigns reaches a boiling point, leading to a dramatic finale that brings to light the absurdity of modern-day politics.

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