Iron Man is a 2008 superhero film directed by Jon Favreau and stars Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. The movie follows Tony Stark, a wealthy defense contractor who is kidnapped by a terrorist group in Afghanistan. The group wants him to build a missile, but instead, Stark and a fellow prisoner use their engineering skills to create a suit of armor that helps them escape.

Once back in the United States, Stark begins working on a new and improved version of the suit, which he plans to use to fight evil. He uses his company's resources to create the suit and, with the help of his loyal assistant, Pepper Potts (played by Gwyneth Paltrow), designs a sleek and powerful weaponized suit of armor that he calls Iron Man.

As Iron Man, Stark battles various villains, including his business partner, Obadiah Stane (played by Jeff Bridges), who has been secretly plotting against him. Meanwhile, journalist and Stark's love interest, Christine Everhart (played by Leslie Bibb), tries to uncover the truth behind Stark Industries' involvement with weapons trafficking.

The film ends with a climactic battle between Iron Man and Stane, which results in Stark emerging victorious and revealing his true identity as Iron Man to the world.

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