Irish Jam is a comedy movie released in 2006 and directed by John Eyres. The story is set in the small Irish village of Ballybrack, where the locals are shocked to discover that their beloved town is going to be sold to an American businessman named Chad Gunning (played by Eddie Griffin).

The villagers, led by local pub owner Jake O'Neil (played by Dudley Sutton), come up with a plan to raise the money to buy their town back. They organize a poetry contest with a grand prize of the deed to Jake's pub, which proves to be an irresistible lure for the participants.

As the contest heats up, a surprise contender emerges in the form of an American rapper named Tyrone Jackson (played by Chris Kattan). Despite his initial reluctance to participate, Tyrone is persuaded to take part in the contest, and his unique brand of hip-hop poetry quickly makes him a favorite among the judges.

However, as the contest approaches its climax, it becomes clear that not everyone is playing fair. Chad Gunning, the American businessman who wants to buy Ballybrack, conspires with one of the judges to prevent the villagers from winning the contest.

But with the help of Tyrone and some quick thinking, Jake and his fellow villagers are able to foil the conspiracy and raise the money they need to buy their town back.

Overall, Irish Jam is a lighthearted and entertaining movie that celebrates the resilience and wit of the common people. It also features some excellent performances by its talented cast, including Chris Kattan, Eddie Griffin, and the late Dudley Sutton.

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