Matt Weaver, a former Confederate soldier, returns to his hometown of Sheridan City to find that his home has been sold by Sam Brewster, the powerful and corrupt leader of the town. Weaver tries to negotiate with Brewster to get his home back, but Brewster refuses and instead hires notorious gunfighter, Jules Gaspard d'Estaing, to deal with Weaver.

D'Estaing arrives in town and is initially cold towards Weaver, but soon begins to question why Brewster wants him dead. As d'Estaing probes deeper, he begins to see the corruption and greed that drives Brewster's actions. Despite being hired to kill Weaver, d'Estaing decides to take a more independent approach to solving the problems in Sheridan City.

Using his skills as a gunfighter, d'Estaing manages to neutralize Brewster's influence and expose his corrupt actions to the townspeople. This leads to a showdown between d'Estaing and Brewster, with the former emerging victorious. In the end, Weaver regains his home, and d'Estaing rides out of town, leaving behind a more just and fair Sheridan City.

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