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Reflections of Lost Desires

Thriller,Drama  N/A 

Daniel is a reserved young man from a conservative family who has always struggled with his identity. He decides to move to London in search of a fresh start, hoping to finally figure out who he really is. Upon arriving in the city, Daniel finds work in a photography studio where he meets his new co-worker, Mona, a vivacious and extroverted individual unfazed by societal norms.

Mona takes Daniel to a nightclub called 'Lost & Found,' a hotspot for drag queens and their fans in the heart of London's LGBTQ community. Overwhelmed by the vibrant and flamboyant atmosphere, Daniel is drawn to the drag performers' glamorous and confident personas. He begins to experiment with dressing up in drag at home, soon discovering that he is a natural performer.

After being encouraged by Mona, Daniel auditions for a spot in the drag show at 'Lost & Found.' Armed with his newfound confidence, Daniel takes the stage in full drag, stunning the audience with his talent and charm. It's a revelatory moment for him, as he finally feels like he's found a place where he can be himself. With the help of his drag persona, 'Crystal,' Daniel embraces his inner self; a vibrant and free spirit that has long been suppressed.

However, Daniel's newfound freedom becomes threatened as he struggles to reconcile his drag persona with his conservative family's expectations. When his father shows up unexpectedly in London and discovers his secret life, Daniel is faced with a difficult decision: stay true to himself, or conform to his family's expectations? Ultimately, Daniel must decide whether to embrace his true self or continue to live a lie, afraid of disappointing those he loves.


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