Interstate 60 is a 2002 fantasy-comedy film directed by Bob Gale and starring James Marsden, Gary Oldman, and Christopher Lloyd. The story follows the journey of young Neal Oliver (Marsden), a struggling artist who receives a magical driver's license from an enigmatic "Celestial Being" (Lloyd) that allows him to traverse a mysterious stretch of highway called Interstate 60.

As he travels across the country, Neal encounters a variety of odd and eccentric characters, each with their own unique problems and lessons to teach him. These include a hitchhiker named O.W. Grant (Oldman) who grants wishes for a price, a group of Amish people struggling with modernization, a con artist selling miracle cures, and a ruthless businessman who controls a small town through his monopoly on gasoline.

Amidst these strange and intriguing encounters, Neal learns valuable lessons about life, love, and happiness. He also begins to question the nature of reality and the true purpose of his journey. Along the way, he is accompanied by an attractive and spirited hitchhiker named Lynn (Amy Smart), who becomes his close friend and confidante.

The film is a unique blend of comedy, fantasy, and drama, with elements of road movies and magical realism. It explores themes such as self-discovery, personal agency, and the power of imagination. Through its colorful cast of characters and imaginative storyline, Interstate 60 offers an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience.

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