
Comedy  United States of America 

The story of Intern follows the journey of Jules Ostin, a successful entrepreneur who runs an online fashion business, as she reluctantly decides to hire a senior citizen as an intern. Ben Whittaker becomes her intern, and initially, Jules is uncomfortable with the idea, but Ben's charm and work ethic soon wins her over.

As Ben adjusts to the pace of the business, he becomes a mentor and confidant to Jules, helping her navigate the complexities of running her company. Meanwhile, Jules also faces the challenges of managing a rapidly growing company, including dealing with difficult employees and a demanding investor.

One of Jules' major problems is with her marketing team, who are pushing for an ad campaign featuring a provocative model. Jules doesn't feel comfortable with this idea, but the pressure is too great, and she ultimately agrees. However, the campaign turns out to be a disaster, and Jules is forced to fire her marketing team.

Throughout the movie, there are also romantic subplots involving Jules' husband, who has become a stay-at-home dad, and another character, a young entrepreneur. However, the central romance is between Jules and Ben, who grows to become her closest friend and confidant.

At the end of the movie, Jules faces a crisis when her company's growth stalls, and she considers selling it to a larger competitor. However, with Ben's help, she is able to turn the business around and keep control. In the final scene, Jules and Ben share a touching moment as she thanks him for all his help and support.

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