Intermedio is a horror movie directed by Andrew Lauer and released in 2005. It follows four friends - Jesse, Molly, Hector, and Jay - who decide to embark on a road trip to Mexico after breaking up with their respective partners. Along the way, they stop at a gas station, where they meet a strange old man who warns them about the dangers of the nearby caves.

Despite the warning, the group decides to explore the caves, which they find filled with strange markings and eerie sounds. As they venture deeper into the labyrinth, they discover that they are not alone. The caves are home to a group of ghostly, vengeful creatures who prey upon anyone foolish enough to enter their territory.

As the night wears on and the friends become hopelessly lost, they begin to experience terrifying hallucinations and encounter the spirits who haunted the caves. One by one, they are hunted down and killed by the vengeful entities until only Jesse and Molly are left.

In a final act of desperation, Jesse and Molly try to escape the caves and outrun the spirits that pursue them. However, they soon realize that they have been trapped all along, and their only hope for survival is to confront the evil presence at the heart of the caves.

Intermedio features a cast of mostly unknown actors, with Amber Benson (best known for her role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) playing one of the lead roles. The movie received mixed reviews from audiences and critics, with some praising its suspenseful atmosphere and creepy visuals, while others found it derivative and predictable.

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