Intensive Care is a thriller movie that revolves around three petty criminals: Sam (Tara Macken), Josh (Kevin Sizemore), and Leo (Jai Rodriguez). The trio plans to rob the home of an ill elderly woman named Eleanor (Leslie Easterbrook), who is said to keep large sums of cash in her house.

The criminals successfully break into the house, only to realize that there is a live-in nurse named Chloe (Darrin Dewitt Henson) taking care of Eleanor. However, what the robbers didn't anticipate is that Chloe is not an average nurse but an ex-military combat medic, and she proves to be more of a threat than they imagined.

After a struggle with the robbers, Chloe manages to overpower them, and the movie takes a twist when it is revealed that Eleanor's illness is not what it seems. Chloe also has some secrets of her own, and both women are forced to confront their pasts while dealing with the aftermath of the robbery.

As the plot thickens, the robbers face a challenging predicament as Chloe employs her tactical skills to keep them captive, and Eleanor proves to be a tough but kind woman, despite her illness.

Intensive Care is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its plot twists and turns, making it a must-see for fans of the genre.

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