Inside the Circle follows the love story of Ava, a romantic heart who dreams of having a perfect relationship and marriage, and Jerry, an introverted man who is obsessed with comic books and superheroes. The two meet in a bookstore, where Jerry is browsing the latest comic book releases, and Ava is looking for a book on relationships.

Despite their differences, Ava and Jerry are drawn to each other, and soon they begin dating. However, their relationship is put to the test as they grapple with their opposing viewpoints on romance and love. With Ava eager to settle down and start a family, Jerry finds himself struggling to commit and embrace the idea of marriage.

As their relationship progresses, Ava and Jerry learn to navigate their differences and find common ground. Along the way, they are supported and challenged by their quirky group of friends, who add a touch of humor and heart to the story.

Inside the Circle is a charming and fun romantic dramedy that explores the complexities of relationships, the power of love, and the importance of being true to oneself. With a witty script, engaging characters, and a heartwarming story, this film is a must-watch for fans of offbeat romance movies.

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