The movie Independence Day is a science fiction film directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 1996. It stars Will Smith as Captain Steven Hiller, a fighter pilot who becomes a key player in the battle against the alien invaders. Jeff Goldblum plays David Levinson, a cable technician and computer expert who teams up with Hiller to plan the attack on the mothership.

As the alien ships begin their assault on Earth, chaos ensues as people try to evacuate the affected cities. President Thomas J. Whitmore, played by Bill Pullman, attempts to coordinate a global response to the threat. However, the military's initial attempts to stop the invaders prove ineffective, and the situation appears hopeless.

Hiller and Levinson eventually team up with Julius Levinson, David's father, played by Judd Hirsch, and a group of other survivors to make their way to the mothership. Once aboard, they fight their way through alien defenses to plant the nuclear weapon.

Meanwhile, a subplot follows First Lady Marilyn Whitmore, played by Mary McDonnell, and her daughter Patricia, played by Mae Whitman, as they try to find safety in the aftermath of the attack.

The film ends with the successful detonation of the nuclear bomb, which destroys the mothership and disables the remaining alien ships on Earth. Hiller and Levinson survive and return to Earth as heroes, and a new era of global cooperation is born in the aftermath of the crisis.

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