
Comedy  France 

The movie Incognito follows the life of a popular French singer named Ben who is tired of living the life of a celebrity and just wants to experience the normal life of an ordinary person for once. To do this, he hires a struggling actor named Sebastien to be his double so that he can have some time off without anyone noticing his absence.

Sebastien agrees to the job, but things go awry when he becomes popular for impersonating Ben and soon finds himself caught up in a world of fame and paparazzi. Meanwhile, the real Ben tries to live the life of an anonymous person but finds it harder than he anticipated. He meets a woman named Vera, who works in a music store and develops feelings for her.

As the two switch places, they learn about each other’s lives and the challenges that each of them faces. Sebastien struggles with maintaining his newfound fame while Ben realizes that living a normal life is not as easy as he thought. The two ultimately come to understand and appreciate the life that they have. In the end, Ben goes back to his music career, while Sebastien decides to pursue his dream of becoming an actor.

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