In the Name of Christ is a 2017 Nigerian Christian drama film directed by Ike Nnaebue. The film follows a pig farmer named Magloire, who has a life-changing religious vision where he is told he will become a prophet of Christ. Fueled by his newfound faith, he sets out to rid his local villagers of their superstitions and beliefs in traditional African gods.

As Magloire tries to spread the Gospel to his neighbors and fellow farmers, he faces many challenges, including resistance from local elders and witch doctors who view him as a threat to their power. His own family also struggles to understand and accept his new beliefs, which causes tension and conflict at home.

Despite the difficulties he faces, Magloire perseveres and continues to preach the Gospel with fervor and passion. Eventually, many of his neighbors and family members begin to see the truth in his words and convert to Christianity.

The film addresses themes such as religious intolerance, cultural clashes, and persecution faced by Christians in certain parts of Africa. It showcases the importance of having faith in God and following one's calling, even in the face of opposition.

In the Name of Christ features a predominantly African cast and crew, and was produced by Silverline Productions. It received mixed reviews from audiences and critics, with some praising its powerful message and others criticizing its heavy-handed approach to evangelism.

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