In the Line of Fire, released in 1993, is a political thriller that delves into the life of Frank Horrigan, a retired Secret Service agent who had served under President John F. Kennedy. Horrigan, played by Clint Eastwood, is a disillusioned and lonely man, grappling with his past and regrets. He still remembers the fateful day in Dallas, 1963 when Kennedy was assassinated and Horrigan failed to save the President's life.

Thirty years later, Horrigan is a washed-up alcoholic working with the Presidential Protective Detail. He is still haunted by his past and often dreams of Kennedy's assassination. During a fundraising event for the President's re-election campaign, Horrigan overhears the Secret Service discussing a potential threat to the President. As he investigates further, he discovers that the threat is from a mysterious assassin called Booth, played by John Malkovich.

Booth is a serial killer who has been tracking the President for months and has set his sights on killing him. In a chilling display of his skills, he calls the Secret Service and taunts them, revealing that he has a high-powered rifle capable of taking out the President. Horrigan is the only Secret Service agent who has had the experience of protecting a President and is called to rejoin the protection detail.

The cat and mouse game between Booth and Horrigan is intense and gripping. Booth continually eludes capture while Horrigan tries to unravel his identity and motives. They engage in tense conversations over the phone, with Booth trying to outsmart Horrigan with his intellect and psychological tactics.

As the story unfolds, Horrigan forms a close bond with fellow Secret Service agent Lilly Raines, played by Rene Russo. Together, they work to stop Booth while dealing with their own personal demons.

In the Line of Fire is a well-crafted movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The performances by Eastwood and Malkovich are exceptional, and the screenplay by Jeff Maguire is taut and exhilarating. The movie is a thrilling ride filled with action, suspense, and poignant moments that explore the psyche of its characters.

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