In the Gloaming is a made-for-TV movie that first aired on HBO in 1997. It was directed by Christopher Reeve and stars Glenn Close, Robert Sean Leonard, and Bridget Fonda.

The film follows Danny (played by Leonard), a young man who has been living in San Francisco with his boyfriend, but returns home to live out his final months with his family in the countryside. His mother, Anne (Close), is thrilled to have him back home, but his father, Martin (played by David Strathairn), and sister, Jennifer (Fonda), struggle to come to terms with Danny's illness.

As Danny's health deteriorates, he and Anne grow closer and share moments of honesty and vulnerability that they have been unable to express before. They talk about their fears, regrets, and hopes for the future. Meanwhile, Martin and Jennifer struggle to cope with Danny's illness and their own feelings of helplessness and sadness.

Through flashbacks, we see snippets of Danny's life before he became ill, including his relationship with his partner and their experiences with the AIDS epidemic. We also see how Danny's illness affects his family and their relationships with each other.

The film is a poignant exploration of love, acceptance, and identity in the face of illness and death. It received critical acclaim and earned several Emmy nominations, including one for Close's powerful performance as Anne.

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