In & Out is a 1997 American comedy film directed by Frank Oz. The film centers around Howard Brackett, a beloved teacher in a small Midwestern town who is about to get married to his longtime girlfriend, Emily Montgomery. However, during the Academy Awards, one of Howard's former students, Cameron Drake, who has just won an award, publicly thanks Howard, stating that he's gay and that Howard inspired him to be true to himself.

The comment causes a media storm, and Howard is suddenly thrust into the spotlight as people begin to question his sexuality. This causes him to question his own feelings and whether or not he's gay. Howard tries to deny these feelings and insists that he is straight, but his confusion and conflicting feelings cause problems in his relationships with Emily and his students.

The film also explores the reactions of the townspeople and their attitudes towards homosexuality. Some are supportive of Howard, while others are hostile and judgmental. The film uses humor to tackle serious topics such as homophobia, discrimination, and coming to terms with one's sexuality.

In the end, Howard comes to accept and embrace his true feelings and comes out to his students and colleagues. The film ends with Howard and Cameron sharing a kiss on national television, symbolizing the victory of love and acceptance over hate and intolerance.

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