I'm Not in Love is a romantic drama that explores the complexities of love, commitment, and the fear of settling. Rob (played by Al Weaver) is a successful lawyer who is faced with a difficult decision: should he start a family with his long-time girlfriend Marta (Cristina Catalina), or should he end the relationship and pursue other options?

Rob is plagued by doubts about his love for Marta, and he seeks the advice of his friends for guidance. However, their own unhappy marriages only add to his confusion and fear of making the wrong decision.

As the pressure mounts, Rob proposes to Marta, hoping that marriage will bring clarity and certainty to his life. But when their engagement party ends in disaster, Rob is forced to confront his true feelings and the consequences of his actions.

The movie delves into the complexities of relationships, the pressures of social expectations, and the difficulty of making life-changing decisions. The performances of the cast are excellent, particularly Al Weaver, who portrays the indecisive and conflicted Rob with sensitivity and nuance.

Overall, I'm Not in Love is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of love, commitment, and the search for happiness, making it a must-watch for anyone who has ever been torn between following their heart or their head.

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