I'll Take Your Dead Movie Summary

Disappearances: A Tale of Haunted Bodies.

Crime,Horror,Drama  Canada 

"I'll Take Your Dead" is a 2018 Canadian horror-thriller film directed by Chad Archibald. It tells the story of William, a quiet and withdrawn man who lives in a remote farmhouse with his young daughter Gloria. Despite his unassuming appearance, William is a ruthless criminal who makes a living disposing of the bodies of his fellow gang members.

One day, William is approached by a group of gangsters with a new job: disposing of the body of a young woman named Jackie. Things become complicated when William discovers that Jackie is still alive, and has been the victim of a brutal attack. William decides to take her in and nurse her back to health, but this puts him on a collision course with his former associates who want Jackie dead at any cost.

As William tries to protect Gloria and Jackie, he begins to realize that the life of violence and crime that he has been leading is not the life he wants for himself or his daughter. "I'll Take Your Dead" is a tense and atmospheric thriller with strong performances from its cast, particularly Aidan Devine as William and Ava Preston as Gloria. The film has been praised for its unique take on the traditional horror genre and its exploration of themes of redemption and forgiveness.


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