If Anything Happens I Love You is a 12-minute short animated film produced by Netflix and directed by Will McCormack and Michael Govier. The film, released in 2020, tells the story of two grieving parents who are trying to cope with the loss of their daughter in a school shooting.

The film starts with the parents going about their daily routine in silence, haunted by memories of their daughter. They sleep in separate rooms and avoid each other as if they are mourning alone. The film uses animation to convey the grief and pain of the parents, showing them in a dark and desolate landscape that mirrors the emptiness of their lives.

Throughout the film, the parents are plagued with memories of their daughter, happy moments spent together, and the tragic event that took her away from them. We see the raw emotions of the parents, their anger, guilt, and despair, as they try to come to terms with their loss.

The climax of the film is heartbreaking, as the parents come together to grieve and remember their daughter's life. The animation is touching, and the music is poignant, with a stirring piano score that captures the emotions of the parents beautifully.

If Anything Happens I Love You is a powerful and moving film that deals with a sensitive issue with poise and sensitivity. The film reminds us of the tragedy that school shootings bring and the lasting impact they have on families and communities. It is a masterpiece of storytelling, and a must-watch for anyone who values the power of cinema.

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