The movie Idiocracy is a satirical science-fiction comedy directed by Mike Judge and released in 2006. The film stars Luke Wilson as Joe Bauers, an Army librarian who is chosen for a hibernation experiment without his knowledge, and Maya Rudolph as Rita, a prostitute who was also selected for the project.

After being frozen for 500 years, Joe and Rita wake up in the year 2505 to a world where the least intelligent people have reproduced the most, causing the overall intelligence of society to decline. As a result, the United States is now a dystopian society where people are obsessed with junk food, reality TV, and sex.

Joe and Rita find that they are now the smartest people on Earth and quickly become targets for corrupt politicians and corporations who see them as a threat to their power. Determined to find a way back to their own time, they enlist the help of Frito Pendejo (Dax Shepard), a lawyer who is also the most intelligent person they can find.

Together, they embark on a mission to restore intelligence and common sense to society, even as they face constant ridicule and danger from the idiotic masses. In the end, Joe and Rita succeed in their quest and return to their own time, only to find that not much has changed in the 500 years since they left.

Overall, Idiocracy is a thought-provoking and hilarious commentary on the dangers of anti-intellectualism and the importance of education and critical thinking in society.

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