Kyle, played by actor Jake Gyllenhaal, is a successful businessman with a beautiful wife and three lovely kids. One day, tragedy strikes when his family is involved in a fatal car accident. Kyle is the only survivor and he is left to mourn their loss. Struggling to come to terms with his grief, Kyle decides that he wants to be left alone to heal and grieve in peace. However, his well-meaning family is eager to offer their support and help him through this difficult time.

As Kyle tries to navigate his overwhelming emotions, he finds himself constantly bombarded by his family, who do everything they can to make him feel better. They bring him food, invite him to social events, and try to distract him with their own daily dramas. But Kyle can't shake off the pain of his loss and he finds their constant presence to be suffocating.

The movie explores the complexities of grief and how everyone deals with loss in their own way. Kyle's family means well, but they don't understand what he's going through and they unwittingly make his pain worse. With every passing day, Kyle becomes more resentful and isolated, until he reaches a breaking point and confronts his family.

The film is a powerful examination of the aftermath of loss and how it can affect every aspect of our lives. It's a bittersweet portrayal of the importance of family, but also the need for space and solitude in times of grief. The film's poignant storytelling, combined with Gyllenhaal's raw performance, make it a must-see film for anyone who has experienced loss or is struggling to support someone who has.

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