I Served the King of England is a 2006 Czech comedy-drama film directed by Jirí Menzel. The movie is based on a novel of the same name by Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal. The movie is set in Czechoslovakia before and after World War II. Jan Dít, the main character, narrates the story of his life experiences as a young man who dreams of becoming a millionaire.

Jan starts his career as a waiter in a hotel and quickly learns the art of serving. He soon becomes a celebrated waiter, serving the prominent guests of the hotel. His obsession with becoming rich leads him to venture into different business opportunities like selling frankfurters in the park, running a brothel, and even purchasing a hotel.

As he starts to accumulate wealth, he becomes too focused on money and fame, losing sight of the important things in life like love and relationships. His antics lead to his arrest and imprisonment, where he learns the hard way that wealth and fame come with a price.

After his release from prison, Jan settles in a small town near the German border and spends his time rebuilding a deserted house. As he reflects on his life, he realizes that his obsession with wealth and fame did not bring him happiness. Instead, he finds contentment in the simple life he is living and the relationships he has built.

The movie is a satirical commentary on individual greed and the corrupting influence of wealth and power. It highlights the struggles of ordinary people during a period of political and social upheaval and their resilience in the face of adversity. The film received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Czech Lion award for Best Film.

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