I Married a Monster from Outer Space is a 1958 sci-fi horror film directed by Gene Fowler Jr. and starring Tom Tryon and Gloria Talbott. The film centers around a young man named Bill Farrell who is about to get married to his fiancée Marge Bradley. However, on the night before the wedding, Bill goes out for a walk and is abducted by aliens from outer space.

The aliens, who are shape-shifters, replace Bill with an identical clone who looks and behaves exactly like him. The clone quickly adjusts to life on Earth and marries Marge as planned. However, Marge begins to notice that Bill is acting strange and distant. He seems to have lost all his emotions and is cold and indifferent towards her.

Marge's suspicions are further heightened when she notices that other people in their town are also behaving strangely. She realizes that the aliens are slowly taking over the bodies of humans and replacing them with clones. Marge tries to warn people about the alien invasion, but nobody believes her.

Eventually, Marge discovers the truth about Bill and confronts him. He reveals that he is not the real Bill, but an alien clone. Marge manages to escape and teams up with a group of other humans who are also aware of the alien invasion. Together, they plan to stop the aliens and save the world from their diabolical plan.

I Married a Monster from Outer Space is a classic sci-fi horror film that explores themes of identity, paranoia, and the fear of the unknown.

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