The film follows the story of Jack, a young man who has been estranged from his father, Peter, for years. Despite numerous attempts to reach out to his father, Jack has received nothing in return, leaving him feeling hurt and resentful towards Peter.

One day, Jack receives a message from someone claiming to be his father on a popular social media platform. Skeptical at first, Jack eventually agrees to chat with the man and is surprised to find that he shares many interests with his supposed father. As the conversation progresses, Jack begins to believe that the man on the other end of the chat is actually his long-lost father.

However, as Jack begins to open up to the stranger and share personal information, he starts to question his father's true motives. Is he genuinely trying to reconnect, or is he simply using the internet to manipulate and deceive his own son?

As the story unfolds, Jack finds himself diving deeper into a complex web of lies and deception, struggling to reconcile his desire for a relationship with his father with the reality of the situation. Ultimately, he must decide whether to confront Peter and risk losing him forever or continue living in a world of uncertainty and doubt.

I Love My Dad is a touching and emotional story about the true meaning of family, forgiveness, and love.

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