I Blame Society is a dark comedy-thriller directed by Gillian Wallace Horvat, who also stars in the film. The story revolves around a struggling filmmaker named Gillian, who is finding it hard to make a name for herself in the film industry. She has been rejected by every funding opportunity, and her friends and acquaintances seem to have lost faith in her talents.

In an effort to prove her worth as a filmmaker, Gillian decides to make a documentary-style film about herself committing the perfect murder. She finds inspiration from her friends who constantly tell her what they would do if they were in her shoes. With the help of her boyfriend (played by Keith Poulson), she starts planning and executing her dark plan.

As the film progresses, Gillian becomes more and more obsessed with her project, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Her documentary project spirals into a real-life nightmare, and she finds herself questioning what she's capable of.

The movie is shot in a mockumentary style, with Gillian addressing the camera directly as she narrates her story. The film serves as a satire on the idea of creative ambition and the pressure to succeed. It also questions the morality of individuals who are driven by their creative pursuits, and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their goals.

I Blame Society premiered at the 2020 Rotterdam International Film Festival and was praised for its unique take on the genre. The film has been described as a bold and audacious work that challenges its viewers to examine their own creative impulses.

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