Husbands and Wives is a 1992 American comedy-drama film directed by Woody Allen. The film follows Gabe and Judy, a middle-aged couple who are struggling with their marriage and their own identities. When their best friends Jack and Sally announce their separation, Gabe and Judy begin to question their own relationship and their feelings for each other.

As they navigate their own emotional turmoil, they begin to find themselves attracted to other people. Gabe becomes infatuated with a young, aspiring writer named Rain, while Judy finds herself drawn to her boss, an older man named Michael. These new relationships force Gabe and Judy to confront their own insecurities and question whether they are truly happy in their marriage.

Meanwhile, Jack and Sally are also struggling to move on from their marriage. Jack begins dating a much younger woman while Sally tries to find meaning in her life as a single woman. As they explore new relationships and try to move on from their past, Jack and Sally begin to realize that they may still have feelings for each other.

The film is shot in a cinéma vérité style, with handheld cameras and natural lighting. The performances are raw and emotional, showcasing the complexities of love, marriage, and human relationships. Husbands and Wives is a raw and honest portrayal of the ups and downs of modern relationships, and a testament to Woody Allen's skill as a filmmaker.

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