Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge is a 2013 Japanese animated film based on the manga series Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. The film follows the story of Kurapika, who seeks revenge against the infamous Phantom Troupe for the massacre of his clan.

However, the Phantom Troupe has stolen the unique "scarlet eyes" of the Kurta clan, which they consider a valuable commodity. Kurapika seeks the help of his friends Gon, Killua, and Leorio, to retrieve his stolen eyes and bring the Phantom Troupe to justice.

The film takes the audience through a series of exciting and action-packed events, as Kurapika and his friends face challenging obstacles while trying to retrieve the stolen eyes. They encounter new threats and enemies as the Phantom Troupe members reveal their true powers and motives.

Eventually, the group confronts the Phantom Troupe in a tense and thrilling battle, where the true identity of the No.4 spider tattoo member is finally revealed. The film concludes with Kurapika finally getting his revenge and retrieving his stolen eyes.

Overall, Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge is a must-watch for fans of the manga series, as it provides additional insights into the characters and expands upon the original story. The film offers a great blend of action, adventure, and drama that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish.

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